The Aruba Timeshare Association (ATSA) is the legal entity representing the special interests of timeshare within the island’s tourism sector.
ATSA was established in 1994, and currently counts the active membership of the majority of timeshare properties in Aruba (as well as condominium co-op associations). The Association works on a local level, as a supporting member of AHATA, the Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association, and with other local organizations as well as Government entities.
When it comes to our advice we’re proud to say we’re different. We offer something a little more special.
Speech of Ursell Arends, the President of ATSA, at the University of Aruba
Ursell Arends, the President of ATSA, the Aruba Timeshare Association recently spoke at the University [...]
Discurso di Ursell Arends, President ATSA, na Universidad di Aruba
Ursell Arends, President d ATSA, Aruba Timeshare Association, recientemente a duna un discurso na Universidad [...]
Utilities benchmark – Ton Janssen and more recently Rene Lenore.
Efforts to reduce the high cost of utilities is always of primary focus and ATSA [...]
Annual EPB Orientation Day
As First-year students of EPB Hospitality Faculty, ATSA in collaboration with EPB provided the students [...]